Sunday, February 24, 2008

ruff guide to mission statement

Mission statement:
The aim of the Durban_Collective is to unite the various creative sectors into an independent self governing body consisting if autonomous collectives, and provide mediation and arbitration in conflict situations.
It is itself, an independent self monitoring body comprising of members of the individual collectives. The members of this central collective are chosen according to their service to the Durban Creative Scene, as well their efficacy and ability to share and network their opportunities.

To form a self-governing, self organizing, autonomous Collective of Creatives in Durban

For this collective to perform efficient actions, promote working together, sharing and environmentally sustainability; in order to take Durban’s Cultural Scene to the next level, in so doing, establishing a more regular, better networked and sustainable environment for creatives to develop a Durban Identity

Online Creative Database
Online Calendar system
Collaborative Projects
YearLong Program of events, networked into a homogenous and unified branded front.

Guiding Principles:

Sustainable climate
Sharing Resources and skills
Working together
Creating a Durban Identity
Understanding that we are a piece of the Puzzle, adding our colour to the bigger picture
Working towards common causes
Honesty in word and trade
To remain independent and autonomous

comments pls?